She throws around some threats and sexual innuendo (as you do) and says she wants Bo reassigned. They’re interrupted by the warden, who’s the bondage leather-babe we saw earlier. Lauren is passing as a Fae by smearing herself with Skunk Ape musk (yum) and gives Bo some kind of stone that she says will protect her. But the mentor disappeared and Lauren can’t believe she’d just take off and leave all her patients (i.e.
Epidoses of lost girl season 3 how to#
Lauren is there because the previous prison doctor was her mentor, who tutored her in how to work with Fae. We finally find out what’s going on, for those who haven’t already figured it out: Bo is undercover, investigating the prison which is rife with corruption. Of course, the doctor turns out to be Lauren, pretending to be all tough and surly. Bo is taken to the infirmary where she’s supposed to work with the doctor. (Bo: “So you’re Jean Valjean?” Sylvie: “I’m Sylvie … we just met.”) Sylvie tells Bo the guards are Amazons, who hate men (especially the new Ash) and abandon their male babies in the woods. She meets her cellmate, Sylvie, who stole bread to feed her family. Bo is taken to her cell and she tries to use her succubus mojo on the guard, but it doesn’t work. Yeah, in case the title (or the form-fitting prison garb) didn’t tip you off, this is obviously going to be a play on those “women in prison” movies from the 70s. The other prisoners are lined up to check her out, including one who looks like Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS. We now see Bo being booked into prison apparently, she stole a lotta shit but she wants the guards to know the vibrator is all hers. Dyson says he’s taking Bo in and hauls her off as she gives everyone a parting message.

So, I guess the whole “controlling her Dark side” thing isn’t really working out? Kenzi is concerned, but Trick refuses to grant sanctuary. They tangle a bit and Dyson mentions Bo has broken pretty much every Fae law lately. She runs inside the Dal, followed closely by a pissed off Dyson. Soon after, she’s running down a different alley, being chased by someone-or some thing. She heads to a nightclub, drains some dude to heal her face, and tosses handfuls of money at the crowd out front. A couple of dudes corner her and she kicks their asses, but not before getting sliced in the face.

This one starts with Bo (looking pretty funky) walking through a dark alley carrying a big satchel.